I also went ahead and found this book "FAIRIE ENCYCLOPEDIA" and purchased it... the artwork of the Fairies is STUNNING!!! Each night this man is visited by all these different types of fairies... until finally one night he becomes one himself. It's all in Japanese text, but you get the idea of what's going on from the images in the book. STUNNING ARTWORK!!! Another cool thing is that the Fairie book came with a promotional post card of her 3 Miznotic figures SHIORI, CHIKA, and FUMI! NEAT!!!

iv been searching for that book forever! i cant find it at all now, did you recently get it or is it from 02? id realy like to get a copy.
if you could e-mail me at brittany_d_w@yahoo.com that would be great :)
hi there i been looking for a pic of fairy encyclopedia ..the girl with the gitar an big pink hair..can u PLEASE sent me a scan of it ..is for a tattoo....thnaks shakipili@hotmail.com
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